Staredit Network > Forums > Null > Topic: SEN Mafia VII: The 7 Shifters
SEN Mafia VII: The 7 Shifters
Jun 18 2008, 8:42 pm
By: Moose
Pages: < 1 « 75 76 77 78 79 >

Aug 31 2008, 3:30 am Demented Shaman Post #1521

Quote from name:NerdyTerdy
Quote from Echo
I knew EzDay was mafia. The only person I told was FarTy.

Yeah, I knew he was mafia too. Since like.. the beginning. The only person I told was him :P
I got proof that I own.
Quote from name:50115530602226090
Session Start (devilesk:cCL Tempest): Mon Jul 07 11:16:56 2008
[11:16] devilesk: HELLO MR MAFIA
[11:17] devilesk: I know you're one of them
Session Close (cCL Tempest): Mon Jul 07 11:18:15 2008

Session Start (devilesk:cCL Tempest): Mon Jul 07 11:21:19 2008
[11:21] cCL Tempest: And why do you say that?
[11:21] devilesk: There are many clues that point to you
[11:21] devilesk: and not only that
[11:21] devilesk: I have looked your behavior
[11:21] devilesk: throughout the whole thread
[11:21] devilesk: it's very clear that you're mafia
[11:22] cCL Tempest: Ya, um, which clues? >_>
[11:22] devilesk: that's irrelevant
[11:22] cCL Tempest: And have you seen how I behave in the last mafia games? I'm always lurking and random. =P
[11:22] devilesk: i'm not going to help a mafia
[11:22] devilesk: you want to me a deal so you don't get lynched next?
[11:22] cCL Tempest: huh?
[11:23] devilesk: ur a ded mafia
[11:23] cCL Tempest: Sure.
[11:25] devilesk: your lack of concern doesn't trick me
[11:25] devilesk: you're shaking in your boots
Session Close (cCL Tempest): Mon Jul 07 11:26:39 2008

Session Start (devilesk:cCL Tempest): Mon Jul 07 11:26:55 2008
[11:27] devilesk: it's okay
[11:27] devilesk: i'm sure you're going to talk to all the rest of your mafia friends now
[11:27] devilesk: you're probably busy discussing what you're going to do tonight
Session Close (cCL Tempest): Mon Jul 07 11:27:21 2008
Lol owned.


Aug 31 2008, 3:38 am Brontobyte Post #1522

Quote from name:50115530602226090
Hmm, while performing a search of the forum on "house" I found this interesting post by FatalException:
I have two characters on a friend's account which I haven't used in over 9000, and I went over to a different friend's house and he had me grind honor on his shaman (lol, I can't believe I just said that), but other than that, no. I has nuu money.
What's interesting is not the mention of "house" but of 9000 which oddly appears in the mafia player list.
Over 9000. Your name here :)
And I have yet to see the reason behind the senseless inclusion of "Over 9000" in that post.

It has to mean something. Why would Moose place that in his topic post?


Aug 31 2008, 3:52 am Dapperdan Post #1523

Quote from Brontobyte
Quote from name:50115530602226090
Hmm, while performing a search of the forum on "house" I found this interesting post by FatalException:
I have two characters on a friend's account which I haven't used in over 9000, and I went over to a different friend's house and he had me grind honor on his shaman (lol, I can't believe I just said that), but other than that, no. I has nuu money.
What's interesting is not the mention of "house" but of 9000 which oddly appears in the mafia player list.
Over 9000. Your name here :)
And I have yet to see the reason behind the senseless inclusion of "Over 9000" in that post.

It has to mean something. Why would Moose place that in his topic post?

The same reason he posts the Rick Role. Because he's moose and he likes meme's. I'm sure it meant nothing.


Aug 31 2008, 3:58 am l)ark_ssj9kevin Post #1524

Just here for the activity... well not really

I think he ment that there could be alot of people signing up.

Or atleast, potentially.

guy lifting weight (animated smiley):


"Oh, I see it"

Aug 31 2008, 4:34 pm Greo Post #1525

I knew Townies would lose. Oh wells.


Aug 31 2008, 4:38 pm Dapperdan Post #1526

Quote from l)ark_ssj9kevin
I think he ment that there could be alot of people signing up.

Or atleast, potentially.



Aug 31 2008, 8:23 pm FatalException Post #1527

Quote from name:Dark_Marine
You're dead too. Both of you.
Quit being butthurt. It's a game. :|


Aug 31 2008, 8:46 pm Demented Shaman Post #1528

Quote from Greo
I knew Townies would lose. Oh wells.
Exactly the kind of attitude that caused the town to lose.


Sep 1 2008, 1:42 am DT_Battlekruser Post #1529

I'm just going to repost all the posts here with clues and extra comments based on the pace of the game. There were a lot of clues in my day start posts, far more than anyone cared to analyze. All in all, you all epic failed at finding clues, although Zycorax finally managed to do something useful by figuring out the glaringly obvious Goldfinger clue. And devilesk did posthumously figure out the heap of number clues pointing at EzDay (it was hard to make clues pointing to him, but I abused his other nickname being "Garbeld").

NIGHT 1 START - 1 clue

After hours of heated debate, the town prods forth its reluctant victim to meet the mayor’s gaze. “Found guilty by this village of mafia membership,” DT_Battlekruser pronounces, “you are to be this day executed by the guillotine.” Mafia and townsfolk alike look on as Darkling is led to the platform, and the guillotine as dropped on his neck. The poorly sharpened blade does not make a clean slice, and Darkling dies slowly, his face finally freezing with a comical expression (1). Satisfied with their commitment to law and order, the townsfolk retire uneasily, knowing the mafia will kill again.

Night roles, you have 3 days to perform your tasks.

(1) - the Pikachu in cheeze’s avatar is making a funny face (cheeze)

DAY 2 START - 14 clues

As night falls, the mafia set out to fulfill a plan of brutal cunning. Slips of paper cleverly modified (10) to resemble mayoral summons are distributed to an unlucky five, and five men show up outside of a light blue house (11) with a pale green door (12). Suddenly, the seven mafia appear out of the gloom, reaching into their pockets for weapons. One of the five men, coming prepared, roundhouse kicks a mafia and speeds around the side of the house, leaping into a waiting car and making his escape1. Enraged, the mafia set about executing the others. One falls with a gunshot wound (13), and two more are dispatched with blades (14). Surrounding the final townsperson, the mafia are again startled when he leaps at one of their throats, and the pair crashes to the ground. The townsperson is finally disposed of, but not before the injured mafia needs to rest a night and recover2. Later that night, a shadowy figure creeps down the lane, examines one of the bodies lying in the mud, and drags the seriously wounded man to his house to nurse him back to health3.

Despite having laid three men to rest that night, the mafia decide they have some unfinished business to which to attend. With professional execution (1), the mafia swarm through the night, quickly surrounding the mayoral mansion, in which DT_Battlekruser resides. A mafia removed a short blade from an array of weaponry and expertly picks the lock (2), and the seven dark forms slip inside. Quickly, explosives are laid along the edge of the house, and then the mafia begin to search for their victim.

Enjoying a glass of wine in the cool cellar (3), DT_Battlekruser looks up and nods as the seven mafia file in the door, shoving aside two bodyguards, one with a bullet through the temples (4) and the other with a slit throat (5).

“Mafia,” acknowledges the mayor. “I thought I smelled a foul air. (6)”

“This town is now ours,” replies one of the mafia, removing his mask and drawing a silenced pistol. “Your time is done.” He casually puts a bullet in DT_Battlekruser’s skull, crippling the mayor. DT_Battlekruser’s eyes widen as he recognizes his killer. The seven mafia then file out, stealing silently upstairs. As the mafia arm the explosives, the digital timers cast an eerie green light (7) that reflects off a mafia’s large, circular sunglasses (8). All the mafia then slip off into the gathering dawn, leaving the mansion to detonate.

With seconds to live, DT_Battlekruser knows he must leave a message to the town. He draws his pocket laser cutter to burn a message into the floor, but his mind is fading fast and he does not know if he can write intelligibly. As his consciousness begins to fade, numbers rise to his mind. The mansion soon detonates, entombing DT_Battlekruser’s corpse.

As the sun rises the next day, the devastated townsfolk sift through the ruins of the mayoral mansion. They dig up DT_Battlekruser’s corpse, laying him in the local cemetery beneath a marble headstone. Beneath his corpse, the town discovers a strange pattern burned into the concrete floor (see image) (9). Then someone strays into the street with the blue house, and the town discovers the bodies of ClansAreForGays, Brontobyte, and HailFire. Returning to their guillotine, the townsfolk decide that they cannot elect another mayor to suffer death in their mafia-infested village. The leaderless people then begin to clamor for blood.

(1) - professionals; the whole mafia team is mostly veterans and former mafia
(2) - a ninja would have a large array of handy weaponry and pick locks (FatalException)
(3) - wine often goes well with cheese, especially that in a wine cellar (cheeze)
(4) - spies would shoot guards (WoAHorde)
(5) - ninja would stab them – so might Link (FatalException, Heegu)
(6) - horde’s avatar is smoking a cigarette (WoAHorde)
(7) - green Dark Archon’s might give off an eerie glow (FaRTy1billion)
(8) - aviators (FlyingHat)
(9) - the clue reads shihyaku (Jap: 400), and seumul (Kor: 20). Mafia #4, slot #20 is ezday (EzDay281)
(10) – many mafia are in clan [MM]; hence this clue points to the clan
(11) – [MM] tag is light blue
(12) – and farty’s dark archon is green (FaRTy1billion)
(13) – Same as clue #4
(14) – Same as clue #5; two blade kills, ninja AND link (FatalException, Heegu)

1This is NerdyTerdy, who dodged that night.
2Here, a Psycho gives his life to hinder the mafia.. I don't remember which dead Shapeshifter this was.
3Greo, the Doctor/Shapeshifter, protected Dapperdan.

NIGHT 2 START - 3 clues

Following many more hours of raucous debate and several fistfights, the town finally selects the next victim of vigilante justice. Ignoring calls to actually examine the evidence, the town instead proceeds to fulfill its penchant for bloodlust, as angry townspeople drag NudeRaider to the scaffold. Tied to the platform, NudeRaider blanches and his face turns green as he sees the blue (1) sparks of an arc welder approaching through the sea of faces. As the welder is first stuck into his chest, NudeRaider is electrocuted (2) as his flesh chars. Screaming, NudeRaider dies in agony amid cheers from the bloodthirsty mob.

As the last life force leaves the body on the scaffold, a spectral figure appears. “I tried to leave you fools a clue,” the voice of DT_Battlekruser booms. A blue light rises from the ruins of the mayoral mansion. “Perhaps it is now more comprehensible,” remarks the ghost. “There are, after all, only two billion people who can read it.” As the figure vanishes in a puff of smoke, the townspeople discover a finer inscription in the concrete where the old one once lay (see image) (3). The town shuffles off to bed, quaking in fear of the continuing mafia presence.

Night roles, you know the drill. Three days.

(1) - Green and blue in juxtaposition; again a clue pointing at a colored name. (FaRTy1billion)
(2) - Death by electrocution might result from a Pikachu (cheeze)
(3) - the inscription now reads '4' and '20' (in proper top-to-bottom, right-to-left order) in Chinese numerals. The fact that "two billion people" can read it is not intentionally a clue at Farty, but perhaps an added caveat. I would have written in that way in any event - the "two billion people" are those that use Chinese numerals.

NIGHT 3 START - 3 clues

Largely united in their decision, the town prods Doodle77 to the front of the mob, tying him to the scaffold. “You’ve escaped us often enough! Die, mafia scum!” yells a voice in the crowd, and townsfolk and mafia alike surge forward to partake in the ending of Doodle77’s life. A long, curved blade (1) is produced and a member of the mob proceeds to hack at the defenseless form on the scaffold. Twenty-five (2) slashes later, the life force of Doodle77 is expended, his screams fading into a gurgling moan, and the mob cuts his corpse loose from the scaffold. Thoroughly disheartened, the town returns to bed, not knowing whom the mafia members would next select for their murderous mandate (3). Night roles, three days.

Things were getting pretty obvious here; I thought a "long, curved blade" would be a dead giveaway towards a ninja, but no..

(1) - A long, curved blade could be a wakizashi or a katana. A ninja might use one (FatalException)
(2) - Pikachu is Pokemon #25 (cheeze)
(3) - “mafia members” and “murderous mandate”; again many mafia are in Clan [MM]

DAY 4 START - 13 clues

Intent on avenging their fallen comrade, the mafia, now six, set out for another night of murderous madness (1). A lone mafia, his identity concealed behind his large, reflective sunglasses (2), loads his pistol and slips into the movie theater on Main Street, where JaFF is enjoying a late-night show. On the screen, a voluptuous woman pilots a biplane, emptying cylinders of a mysterious gas over a fort, disabling the guards as she soars through the Kentucky sky (3). Enthralled by the beauty on screen, JaFF does not notice the mafia slipping up behind him. With a bang, the gun goes off and JaFF1 dies, his spinal cord severed by the bullet. The lone mafia heads for the exit, pausing at the door and glaring at the other movie patrons, daring them to stop him (4). No one in the theater moves, so the mafia leaves, melting into the night.

To ensure the success of their next murder, the six mafia then meet up, surrounding their next victim’s house. Heading for the back door, they notice a simple alarm system, but one of the mafia has a brilliant idea. Elegantly, he steps forward and applies a large potential difference (5) across the main alarm box. Electricity makes short work of the circuitry, and the six men enter the house. Groaning in his sleep, the house’s sole other occupant is troubled by dreams, and he does not notice the mafia enter his room. Uncannily, (6) the same well-forged, short, curved sword (7) from yesterday’s lynching is produced, and Paravin. is beheaded.

Peering out the front window, another mafia starts, fearing that the complete secrecy (9) of the evening may be compromised. Outside, there are two mysterious men. One carries an assault rifle2, and the other a small black bag with a little red cross3. As another mafia peeks between the curtains, it is apparent the two men are arguing fiercely outside of the house next door4; the gun and the bag lay discarded on the ground and, inside, the angry voices of the men outside can be heard as a jumbled murmur (10). Seizing their opportunity, the mafia sneak stealthy around the next house and surround the arguing pair. Intent on their argument, the two men do not even turn to see the mafia feet from them, sealing their doom.

The first man falls to a sword-wielding duo (11) of mafia, who methodically hack his body apart, tearing his heart (12) and spleen into small pieces. The second man, who had the black bag, bolts down the street before the cold steel pieces his body, but a mafia casually draws his silenced pistol (13) and brings down the fleeing form. The mafia drag both bodies and leave them on the porch of the house, an example to the rest of the measly townsfolk who stand little chance against their power. They then slip off to take their places as anonymous townspeople. At dawn’s first light, the terrified occupant of the house cracks open the door and discovers the mangled corpses of A_of-s_t and Greo5.

Called into assembly, the townspeople shuffle into the central square. A statue of DT_Battlekruser casts an ominous shadow over the proceedings, and the inscription at its base reads “So He drove the man out; and at the east of the garden of Eden He stationed the cherubim and the flaming sword which turned every direction to guard the way to the tree of life.” (14) Knowing the preciousness of the gift of life, the town communes to pursue its vigilante justice, knowing time will soon run out.

This day's post strayed into the painfully obvious as the town was close to being statistically eliminated. In fact, Moose was a little upset as to how obvious these clues were. Yet, for the most part, nobody bothered to figure them out.

(1) - again, m-alliteration: clan [MM]
(2) - aviator sunglasses again (FlyingHat)
(3) - extended allusion to Goldfinger, in which Oddjob kills people with his flying hat (FlyingHat)
(4) - the avatar is the raging smiley (FlyingHat)
(5) - Pikachu could apply a large potential difference (i.e. a voltage) (cheeze)
(6) - The first letters of the last five sentences spell h-e-e-g-u (Heegu)
(7) - Such a weapon is still the armament of a ninja (FatalException)
(9) - Spies may worry about secrecy (WoAHorde)
(10) – The voices outside are Garbled, or Garbeld – the name of EzDay (EzDay281)
(11) – Link and a ninja (Heegu, FatalException)
(12) – Heart pieces would be well known to Link (Heegu)
(13) – Spies carry silenced pistols (WoAHorde)
(14) – This is Genesis 3:24. Mafia #3, Slot #24 was, guess who? (EzDay281) I also realized this can credibly be applied to SiN as well, since Genesis 3:24 is about the origin of sin in man.

1JaFF was a zombie, but the post intentionally contains no hints as to this.
2This is Greo, the Boondock Saint/Shapeshifter.
3This is A-of_s-t, the Doctor/Shapeshifter.
4This happens to be devilesk's house.
5The way the scene is depicted is pretty much the way it played out - both Greo and A-of_s-t were selected as mafia hits, and Greo attempted to hit devilesk, but was hit by the mafia before he could. It wouldn't have worked anyway, since A-of_s-t was using his Doctor power to protect devilesk, which would have overridden the Saint hit. Instead, though, the mafia kill them both while they are debating the fate of devilesk. I don't know if devilesk ever knew how close he came to dying that night.


Sep 1 2008, 1:42 am DT_Battlekruser Post #1530

NIGHT 4 START - 1 clue

After a comparatively facile debating process completed well before nightfall (1), the town comes to a relatively unanimous decision. Feeling secure in their ironclad clues, the townsfolk truss FlyingHat in an orderly fashion and bring him to the raised platform, lying him beneath the guillotine’s blade. With a sense of fortuitous opportunity (2), a member of the mob steps forward and lets the sharpened blade fall, cleanly slicing off FlyingHat’s head. After a few minutes of rejoicing their sudden fortune, the town returns to sleep with the knowledge the mafia will seek revenge for their loss.

(1) - i.e. an easy day (EzDay281)
(2) - this is an artful phrase, but just meaningless (purposeful) elaboration. Consider it a red herring?

NIGHT 5 START - 1 clue

Surprisingly listlessly, given the stark proclamations of the previous night, the town shuffles to order for the fifth day of deliberations. After a few mumbled comments, WoAHorde is selected as the day’s victim and led up to the scaffold. Tied beneath the guillotine, WoAHorde awaits his death. A man with a turban (1) steps forward and carries out the execution as the assembled townsfolk hold their breath. With a crunch, the condemned man’s neck is severed, and WoAHorde is no more. Their spirits slightly higher, the townsfolk retire to bed to wait out another night of bloody mayhem.

The town seemed on the way to a nail-biting endgame at this point, so I backed off the clues and let the pending list of mafia get executed.

(1) ‘Heegu’ appears to be of Indian etymology; turbans would not be out of place among some Indians (Heegu)

DAY 6 START - 6 clues

Moving carefully and determinedly due to their diminished numbers, the three mafia continue their quest for domination of the town. The first victim of the night is shut up in his house, glued to the television screen. He had missed the day's lynch proceedings and was instead more interested in watching re-runs of 1990s horror shows. Intent on the pulse-pounding, winding passages on the TV (1), he does not notice as a mafia expertly picks the lock (2), letting three cold-blooded killers into the building. Suddenly, the man in the armchair notices the pressure of cold steel (3) against his throat. “Goodbye, fool,” whispers a voice, and the blade pieces the doomed man's neck. Off to continue their night of mischief, the three mafia slip out the door through which they entered, leaving the corpse of frazz to rot in his armchair.

Next for the night is a modern-looking house, guarded with careful security alarms. Unfortunately, the mafia realize that the skylight is not rigged, so a piece of glass is neatly sliced away and the mafia slide down into the building on ropes. Inside, a man is asleep in his swivel chair, a large computer monitor before him, continually displaying characters. Most of it is unintelligible gibberish (4), but in the middle of the spewing characters, English words scroll by: “And he that keepeth his commandments dwelleth in him, and he in him. And hereby we know that he abideth in us, by the Spirit which he hath given us.” (5) Afraid of waking the sleeping owner of the high-tech house, one of the mafia instead arms and then lobs a large explosive charge (6) under his chair. The three mafia rapidly retreat out of the skylight and away from the building, which shakes with the force of the explosion which blasts Killer_Kow to shreds.

The bang from the blast reverberates throughout the town, and several townsfolk sleep the less easy for it. Come dawn, however, no more are dead, and the town gathers to vote for the next victim of the guillotine.

(1) - the show is Tales From the Crypt, starring John Kassir, who also did the original ads for The Legend of Zelda. (Heegu)
(2) - the mafia who can pick locks so well is a ninja (FatalException)
(3) - the blade could be the sword of Link or a ninja (Heegu, FatalException)
(4) - the data is garbled.. Garbeld (EzDay281)
(5) - the quote is I John 3:24; Mafia 3 : Slot 24 is.. (EzDay281)
(6) - Link throws bombs at people in Super Smash Bros. (Heegu)

NIGHT 6 START - 0 clues

Yes, NO clues. Although I mock the lack of clue analysis to point to the fact that there are still a veritable mountain of clues yet to be found in previous posts.

Shoving aside mounds of unexamined evidence, the town mindlessly continues to execute victims. Next up to the chopping block is Heegu, who goes quietly before the mob to submit to his fate. Down falls the blade, and the life of Heegu in this world is ended. The town shuffles listlessly off to sleep, resolute in their string of successful lynchings. Though they number only nine, they seem to have little to fear in the dwindling mafia presence.

Night roles, three days like usual.

This post contains no clues. A few pieces of wording, such as “in this world” could be seen as red herrings.

NIGHT 7 START - 2 clues

By this point I started 'recycling' clues by making recursive clues that specifically point out previous text items as clues.

After another relatively quiet and uncomplicated voting period (1), the townsfolk select FatalException as their next victim. He tries to put up a fight, reaching for a weapon, but is overpowered by the angry mob. Reassured of his evil alignment, the mob drags him to the scaffold. Tied up and lying flat, FatalException blanches as he sees the town's chosen method of execution. A board is piled high with stones and place on the helpless man's chest (2). Crushed by the weight, FatalException feels his last breath leave his body. Rejoicing in their good luck, the townspeople return home to an untroubled sleep, sure that they shall avail1.

Night roles (okay, night role), three days.

(1) - i.e. an easy day (EzDay281)
(2) - this execution method, the dreaded peine forte et dure, was often reserved to execute witches. Remember the biblical references? (EzDay281)

1Here I mock the ridiculous assertion of many townies that they will win. I had EzDay down for victory as soon as he was not at the top of devilesk's "list".

DAY 8 START - 6 clues

Alone in the night, the final mafia slips through the murky darkness (1). Though he mourns his fallen brothers, he rejoices in knowing all the spoils are his. Stealing past the ruins of the late mayor's house (2), he slips up to one the houses still occupied. Its owner has rigged the building with security cameras, but the wily mafia slices the main data cable and all the screens turn to dancing snow (3). The loss of security footage alerts the man in the house, but it is too late as the mafia has already entered the building. A gunshot is heard, and Zycorax falls to the ground, dead.

Later that night, another man is crossing the street in front of the large statue of DT_Battlekruser (4) when he is struck by a speeding carload of drunk teenagers, on their way home from a party. The car speeds off, hoping to avoid notice, and the man is left, delirious with pain and lying limply in the road. A shadowy figure detaches itself from the wall, but it is no doctor come to aid the injured man. The newcomer grins, and puts a gun to the man in the road's head, ending his life. Not content, the mafia milks (5) the situation for all it's worth, adding thievery to his murderous ministrations (5). Tossing aside a pocket Bible (6), he makes a haul of several hundred dollars, cash. He then returns to his home to await the coming of dawn, leaving the corpse of lil-Inferno to rot in the street. The partying teenagers1 are lucky someone else took credit for their killing, but if the mafia is not found, they could be next.

Notes: All of the clues of course point to EzDay281. Some of the clues are “two-step” clues that refer back to older clues, especially since so many have gone woefully unanalyzed.

(1) - murky darkness → unclear → Garbeld
(2) - the house has an inscription in it which points to him
(3) - again, the feed has been Garbeld
(4) - the statue has a quote which is a clue
(5) - 'm' alliterations point to a remaining member of Clan [MM]
(6) - the Biblical quotes earlier were all clues. This does not point to SiN...

1This actually is a random plot point, and doesn't even satire anyone still alive.

NIGHT 8 START - 0 clues

Heatedly pointing fingers at random in the crowd, the small group of befuddled townspeople still living desperately try to decide who to lynch. After some vacillation, the wrath of the mob falls upon a man of their choosing. He is dragged before the assembly, stuttering all the while that there is a mistake, and he is not the remaining cold-blooded killer the town seeks. His appeals meet little sympathy, as two men tie him down. An axe is produced, and the doomed man’s head is chopped off. The life of MadZombie ends, and considerable disquietude circulates through the five living men as they realize the last mafia is still at large, and they sit down to await a night where at least one of them will not live to see the dawn.

Good luck.

This post contains no clues, except pieces of wording that might hint that the town has sucked at even looking for clues in the past three or four days. And hints the town is screwed now.


Sep 1 2008, 1:55 am WoAHorde Post #1531

What about day 5? There's a huge clue toward me. :P


Sep 1 2008, 2:00 am Vi3t-X Post #1532

Well I got back from my 2 day vaction....
DM, I did PM Moose that I changed my vote, he even quoted it. I get back at like... 10pm and read that I get shot in a grave. My vote was supposed to be "No Vote" out of confusion. :><:


Sep 1 2008, 2:57 am Riney Post #1533

Thigh high affectionado

Now wtf if thats true then I voted EZday first then that means TOWN wins.

.riney on Discord.
Riney on Steam (Steam)
@RineyCat on Twitter

Sure I didn't pop off on SCBW like I wanted to, but I won VRChat. Map maker for life.

Sep 1 2008, 3:10 am WoAHorde Post #1534

We won, deal with it.


Sep 1 2008, 4:56 am Riney Post #1535

Thigh high affectionado

No serously, if Viet abstained, and I voted for EZDay first, then Town would win. Im serious how did moose justify that as mafia victory.

.riney on Discord.
Riney on Steam (Steam)
@RineyCat on Twitter

Sure I didn't pop off on SCBW like I wanted to, but I won VRChat. Map maker for life.

Sep 1 2008, 5:44 am DT_Battlekruser Post #1536

Vi3t did not abstain in any manner that I saw, so unless there was some information that Moose saw and I didn't, the final vote tally is correct. Vi3t tried to justify a little earlier that his votes "didn't count" since they "weren't exact", but I clearly stated (as did moose), that posting "I vote X" in the thread while PMing "just kidding" does not retract your vote.


Sep 1 2008, 1:45 pm Demented Shaman Post #1537

Really the reason the mafia won was because of town stupidity and missed opportunities. For example, Greo wasting his shifter hit on me? What a dumbass. And then Hobos the LAST shifter giving away his shifter identity to Horde. And then the final 3 being people that all should have died much earlier in the game.

There were many times where I've called for the death of all 3 of them so when it comes down to all three of them as the final 3 it's not that easy to pick the right one. Especially when you have viet being incredibly stupid the whole game and DM being suspicious the whole game and the shitty clues which always accompany Ezday. Seriously, I looked back at the other mafia games and there are never any good clues for ezday.
From Mafia 3
Quote from Mini Moose 2707
The grey sedan was a reference to EzDay281's avatar. He also gets lame clues, but they improve later on.

Anyway as I was always saying in the beginning of the game YOU HAVE TO KILL THE INACTIVE AND STUPID PEOPLE FIRST.

Quote from DT_Battlekruser
And devilesk did posthumously figure out the heap of number clues pointing at EzDay (it was hard to make clues pointing to him, but I abused his other nickname being "Garbeld").
I had some good ones before I died, especially that Mafia 4 20th member one. I thought it was a strong possibility especially after I figured out the 3:24 one as well. It was even stronger after SiN died.

Quote from name:50115530602226090
Then again, #20 on the mafia player list in Mafia 4 is [color=#CE091D]EzDay281

Quote from name:50115530602226090
Nude dying from electrocution from an arc welder -> electricity -> lightning/thunder -> pikachu -> cheeze.

Users reading this topic: devilesk, Greo, A_of-s_t, EzDay281 (plus 2 guests)
I bet there's a mafia in that list

Ezday's aim contains the word "tempest" and on day 1 the scene is described as "A gentle rain bathes the houses and businesses and gradually intensifies. There is no thunder or lightning, but enough rain to keep most folk indoors." Now that isn't exactly a tempest, but there's a weather connection :wtfage:

Looking at the clues from the different days/nights there seems to be a repetition of the use of blades. There's also a repetition of the reflective sunglasses mentioned in day 1 and day 2.

Quote from name:50115530602226090
Could the choice of arms be connected to anything? Explosives and digital timers?

Quote from name:50115530602226090
Anyway as for the clue. We've actually had some pretty good interpretations. Look back to when me and A of st were talking. I believe Dark_Marine and EzDay are strong suspects and whoever else we mentioned.

Quote from name:50115530602226090

Hmm, and thinking of Heegu, I just took a look at his profile and avatar. He has a picture of Link. Link's weapon of choice is a sword, aka blade. And it seems like blade has been an often used weapon in the Mafia killings. Weapons master as well?

And going along with taking inactivity as a reason for suspicion, performing a search of Heegu's posts only turns up a small 2 posts. Neither of which contribute much.
SEN Mafia VII: The 7 Shifters
Jul 4 2008, 3:32 am
So many choices.. I'll just go with the bandwagon. Doodle77

Jul 7 2008, 1:29 pm
Quote from Paravin.
4th and 20th member? :P

Too obvious. Member # clues have never done anything good as far as i know.
And he also might be following the PRO MAFIA TIPZ in the former post.
MAFIA -> Know when to jump on bandwagons against fellow Mafia. Suspicious voting patterns can give you away. Technically, you can just disappear the whole game (and might be better off playing under the radar), but make sure your hits don't give you away.

Also, if history indicates anything it's that the whole "grimer" interpretation of Doodle has been used before in Mafia 6: Mindfuck. Also in Mindfuck Doodle was a member of mafia. I'm not sure whether we should take this to mean Moose and DTBK wouldn't be dumb enough to reuse clues or not or if the same thing would happen twice. Anyway, I'm just pointing out that it's been pointed out before. :P

This might be an epic breakthrough, but maybe all of the mafia are in clan [MM]
Farty is one of the leaders. Is there any connection to moving and clan MM? "The Shifters" and clan MM or modding?
There might be a whole clue->mod theme/connection going on here.

Oh wow, there's a whole bunch of explosive stuff in this upload by FlyingHat.
Quote from name:50115530602226090
Devilesk, stop posting super posts. You're going to a point where you're using what a person says as clues, and at that point anything a person says can make them Mafia, including you. They are not all in clan [MM], either. Right now, there's three obvious Mafia suspects: Doodle, Dark_Marine, and Zombeh. I change my vote to Doodle for now.

Heegu: Weapons Master
Zombeh: Moving in swarms, dead of the night
Doodle77: Protecting Farty, lots of clues
Farty1billion: Protecting Doodle, Shown to be Mafia, the Millions clues
WoAHorde: Mask
DarkMarine: Suspicious, wearing large round shades
Frazz: ???
My posts are epic, stfu. You guys should actually read them.Epic garbage, yes. I have read them.Yea, sure. We'll see when Moose and DTBK reveal the clues that will show that I was right.

Quote from name:50115530602226090
Overall, a fine cover is provided for murderous mischief.
Murderous Mischief -> MM

And when I convert 50000 to roman numerals I get

"mayoral mansion" another clue leading to MM.

"mafia member" (from day 3) = MM

"mysterious man" = MM

"militia men" = MM

"mafia membership" (night 1) = MM

"many more" (night 2) = MM

Quote from name:50115530602226090
I VOTE DOODLE77.Only a mafia would do that.

I'm starting a new bandwagon. I change my vote to EzDay281.

Quote from name:50115530602226090
I find echo to be more suspicious then hobos. Only slightly though. However, there are more suspicious people than the ones you posted Zell.

Looking at the voting patterns so far there are four that I have down as being pretty suspicious.
Vi3t-X because he hasn't voted once.
cheeze because his only vote was on day 1 for DTBK
Heegu because his only vote was on Day 2 for Doodle
EzDay because he abstained on day 1, voted for Dapperdan on day 2, and abstained again on day 3
FatalException because he abstained the first day, voted for Nude the second day, and did not vote the third day
Echo because he's the only one that voted for someone that was killed the following night. This was on day 1 for Hailfire, but he changed his vote to Darkling. This is only a very slight suspicion, which I couldn't ignore, but it's very debatable.

I'm also not sure how suspicious it is for the people who changed their vote twice for a day. These people include Greo and Zell.

Here's a list of people that have voted for another person currently alive.
frazz -> Dark_Marine
Greo -> WoAHorde
Greo -> Dark_Marine
EcHo -> FatalException
Zell -> FatalException
Now, I'm pretty sure that until this point no mafia would vote for another person that's mafia, but that's the only thing you can be sure of, and not that I mentioned it it we can't count on it any longer.

In conclusion, except for the first four people I mentioned, it's not clear how voting pattern should be interpreted. Many of the other people voted for the people who were eventually lynched that day, or voted for people that would be lynched in the future. It's hard to label it as suspicious when you idiots came up with "obvious" clues pointing to the person such as OMG DOODLE HAD 7's IN HIS NAME.

However, I definitely think Vi3t-X and cheeze should die.

Session Start (devilesk:cheeZe477): Mon Jul 14 03:04:55 2008
[03:04] cheeZe477: LOL
[03:04] cheeZe477: you and dtbk are like lovers :O
[03:05] devilesk: lol
[03:05] devilesk: you're mafia
[03:05] cheeZe477: ya
[03:05] cheeZe477: did i vote?
[03:05] devilesk: no
[03:06] cheeZe477: why am i not listed in your 1 person list of people who did not vote.
[03:06] devilesk: cuz
[03:06] devilesk: i was just pointing out someone who didn't vote
[03:06] devilesk: ever
[03:06] devilesk: although you're up there since your one vote out of 3
[03:06] devilesk: was for DTBK
[03:06] devilesk: which is dumb
[03:06] cheeZe477: dapperdan is good at mafia. you can't doubt him.
Session Close (cheeZe477): Mon Jul 14 03:07:12 2008

Quote from name:50115530602226090
EzDay because he abstained on day 1, voted for Dapperdan on day 2, and abstained again on day 3
Behavioural analysis without studying the person's past behaviours = hard fail.
Now, I'm pretty sure that until this point no mafia would vote for another person that's mafia, but that's the only thing you can be sure of, and not that I mentioned it it we can't count on it any longer.... that's one of the more obvious two-level tactics available, and is oft-mentioned during vote-browsings. Your mentioning it hasn't done anything, and you're now just trying to discredit no-less-plausible suspects.Oft-mentioned. Show me some previous examples of it, mr veteran mafia player.

And it's interesting how now you decide to show up and post.

Anyway, you're still useless.EL OH EL

Quote from name:50115530602226090
I think I agree that Horde is mafia. The spy avatar is from team fortress 2 and as you said it has a mask.
Zombeh seems to be an overdue lynch candidate, but who knows. So does Dark_Marine.

Quote from name:50115530602226090
I think Night 3 is the work of a ninja.

Quote from Greo
Kill cheeze first.
What clues do we have on him? The flanking on is really forced, because not everyone can obtain such information about him and there are other melee players.

Edit: Oh, just noticed your post. It's a bad habbit of mine to skip any posts you make that are not written in capitals. :P

The electricity clues is a good one, but inactivity and stupid behavior are definately not reasons to lynch someone. Don't let those who don't really care about the game fool you.

How does wine relate to cheeze?There's a really stupid connection to it. I'm sure Devilesk will point it out, but you usually enjoy cheese and wine together.APPARENTLY IT WAS A STUPID CONNECTION. LOL OWNED.

Quote from name:50115530602226090
Kill cheeze first.
What clues do we have on him? The flanking on is really forced, because not everyone can obtain such information about him and there are other melee players.

Edit: Oh, just noticed your post. It's a bad habbit of mine to skip any posts you make that are not written in capitals. :P

The electricity clues is a good one, but inactivity and stupid behavior are definately not reasons to lynch someone.Don't let those who don't really care about the game fool you.

How does wine relate to cheeze?There's a really stupid connection to it. I'm sure Devilesk will point it out, but you usually enjoy cheese and wine together.It's not a stupid connection. History has shown us that there's usually a connection between what a person is doing right before they die and who the mafia are.

expedient erectionexpedient -> expedia -> flying -> flyinghat
Or "erection" could have some kind of sexual meaning.

I think the case for WoAHorde being swarm is VERY strong.

"This town is now ours," replies one of the mafia, removing his mask and drawing a silenced pistol.As he adjusts his tie, seven clicks of guns are heard from around the entire space of the transaction. The spy in his avatar has a MASK and a SILENCED PISTOL and a TIE.

The last support class is the spy, who in addition to a revolver is equipped with covert tools, such as a temporary cloaking device, an electronic sapper to sabotage engineer's structures and the ability to disguise as enemy players. The spy can also use his butterfly knife to backstab and instantly kill enemy players.[7]

The mafia fire their guns first, taking the militia group by surprise. Hynk flips over and down on to the ground, caught in the initial stream of bullets. Merrell turns and fires as NerdyTerdy runs for cover while shooting. Both of the two militia men cannot hit their mafia targets as Merrell flops to the floor, his life claimed in the exchange of gunfire. NerdyTerdy gets the gold star for smart tactics as he crouches behind a car for cover. Unfortunately, NerdyTerdy exposes himself for too long to return fire. Long enough for a weapons master to finish the defeat of the townsperson group.This paragraph is reminiscent of the American Revolution.

Horde's post in the Asians vs British topic:
British. Why? Newton was British. Hawking was British. The greatest schools in the world, Cambridge and Oxford respectively, are in England.

I'm British blood(directly) but I'm not going to use that as a reason, derive it yourself.

Note: Krazy, you fail at spelling British in the poll option.
Quote from name:50115530602226090

Also for those that doubt the dtbk drinking wine in a cool cellar connection to cheeze.
From Day 4
Merrell was having a late night snack as his windows started to break.
Moose's clue reveal
Paragraph 3: Merrell's late night snack is... jello! Jello-Jigglers, actually.
Quote from name:50115530602226090
Also, I'm sure Moose put in some kind of clue that relates to some kind of movie/film or something from IMDB. History tells us that.

Quote from "Day 5"With a bit of overconfidence, perhaps arrogance, the mafia set out once again after sunset. The first victim of the night was frazz. He was out late partaking in some risky business when he was stabbed in the back. Frazz, too, had a knife as well and scored a few hits on the mafia, but didn't really cause much damage. In the end, the mafia simply had all the right moves, and was down frazz was out after a few minutes of combat.

LoL @ Tom Cruise => KRUSE movies. I should've gone with the newer ones maybe.

Also lame wordplay clues like:
The last victim of the night was A_of-s_t, who was driving around in his ambulance sipping cognac. As he approached an intersection, the traffic signal pole fell. He was crushed, blood camoflauged by the traffic light's red signal aura. He was pinned, and knew he would be a dead man soon. Giving up, he felt his life slip away into darkness.

Quote from name:50115530602226090

Wow Greo, you never told me you're a shifter. You're such a noob.

Damn, JaFF and A of St were the shifters who I knew.
[12:49] Moose (Domain expired, leave me alone): Things aren't going to look good for "HEY EVERYONE I KNOW WHO TWO SHIFTERS ARE IF THE OTHERS COULD CONTACT ME...."
[12:49] devilesk: lol
[12:49] devilesk: i thought about that
Last shifter, please contact me. :(

I bet Greo zombies me. :-_-:Wow Greo you are a big fucking noob. Way to waste your boondock hit on me you stupid noob. :rolleyes:

Quote from name:50115530602226090
Uncannily, the same well-forged, short, curved sword from yesterday's lynching is produced, and Paravin. is beheaded.
I believe the sword used in these killings is this.
Most likely used by a ninja, FatalException.Owned.

5The way the scene is depicted is pretty much the way it played out - both Greo and A-of_s-t were selected as mafia hits, and Greo attempted to hit devilesk, but was hit by the mafia before he could. It wouldn't have worked anyway, since A-of_s-t was using his Doctor power to protect devilesk, which would have overridden the Saint hit. Instead, though, the mafia kill them both while they are debating the fate of devilesk. I don't know if devilesk ever knew how close he came to dying that night.Well I knew I would be targeted, so I told A of st to use his doctor abilities on me. I didn't know it was GREO though.

(3) - again, the feed has been GarbeldI looked at "dancing snow" and this caught my attention

I had a feeling that due to the lameness of the possible clues related to ezday that the Garbeld->Garbled play on words would be used.

Post has been edited 5 time(s), last time on Sep 1 2008, 2:03 pm by 50115530602226090.


Sep 1 2008, 2:19 pm Riney Post #1538

Thigh high affectionado

Well acording to viet he pmed moose, could we see the pm?

.riney on Discord.
Riney on Steam (Steam)
@RineyCat on Twitter

Sure I didn't pop off on SCBW like I wanted to, but I won VRChat. Map maker for life.

Sep 1 2008, 3:07 pm EzDay281 Post #1539

Only a mafia would do that.

I'm starting a new bandwagon. I change my vote to EzDay281.
Hey, that one was a joke. >.>


Sep 1 2008, 3:11 pm Demented Shaman Post #1540

Quote from EzDay281
Only a mafia would do that.

I'm starting a new bandwagon. I change my vote to EzDay281.
Hey, that one was a joke. >.>
And if only people listened to me you would have died.


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I still haven't gotten a chance to play it yet unfortunately. I just downloaded, but today I'm working on a project with a deadline so won't be able to play it today
[04:59 am]
zsnakezz -- >:)
[04:59 am]
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[04:58 am]
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[04:58 am]
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[04:57 am]
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[04:57 am]
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[04:57 am]
zsnakezz -- ultra you have any thought or notes on undead invasion?
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